Wednesday, 23 October 2013

09:00 – 09:30      Registration (tea and coffee will be available)
09:30 – 10:00      Welcome by SCBWI SA Co–Regional Advisors, Elaine Ridge and  Marjorie van Heerden
A brief overview of the past 10 years.
10:00 – 10:45      KEYNOTE ADDRESS: A question of imagination – the process of writing from a visual perspectiveNiki Daly, internationally acclaimed illustrator and writer.
10:45 – 11:15      TEA
11:15 – 12:00      Digital Developments in Children’s Book PublishingNelleke De Jager, Digital Publisher, NB Publisher.(assited by Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg publishers)
12:00 – 12:45      Current developments in educational publishing in South AfricaSteve Cilliers, Managing Director, Oxford University Press.
12:45 – 13:15:     Questions from the floor (directed to any of the speakers)
Moderated by Elaine Ridge, Co–Regional Advisor SCBWI SA, editor, translator and writer.
13:15 – 14:15:     LUNCH
14:15 – 15:15:     Panel Discussion with publishers – What are publishers in South Africa looking for?
What kinds of text or illustrations –  submission strategies.  
Moderator: Elaine Ridge, Co-Regional Advisor SCBWI SA
Panel members: Simone Hough (Human & Rousseau Publisher); Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg Publishers); Laurika de Jager (Pearson). 
Body break of 15 minutes
15:30 – 16:15      Parallel Sessions – A or B: Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets

A.     Publishing youth / young adult books
Moderator: Jenny Hatton (ARA SCBWI SA, editor and writer).
Helen Brain (writer); Robin Malan (writer), Alex Smith (writer)
B.    Publishing picture books and books young readers
Moderator: Marjorie van Heerden (Co–RA SCBWI SA, writer/illustrator
Samantha van Riet (IC SCBWI SA, writer/illustrator); Wendy Hartmann (writer); Rob Foote (writer/illustrator) Paddy Bouma (writer/illustrator)
16:15 – 16:45      Guest item (a treat at the end of the day)
Summing up and vote of thanks by SCBWI SA’s Co–Regional Advisors
16:45                     Reception (a toast to SCBWI SA) Sponsored by NB Publishers


Friday, 11 October 2013

See information on: presenters, reviewers, the venues, guidelines for submitting for reviews, and registration form

    • See more about Presenters and reviewers - photo and short CV has been added - see below
    • Maps to and more info about venues has been added - see below (below posts of programmes and registration forms - click on older posts to access maps and info.
    • Guidelines for submitting for reviews, and registration form  - click on older posts

Saturday, 5 October 2013



JOIN THE CELEBRATORY EVENTS ON 1, 2 and 4 November 2013

A chance to listen to expert presentations and panel discussions; to hear frequently published authors and illustrators discuss their work; to have your work reviewed: AND TO CELEBRATE 10 wonderful years.

We have been hard at work and not only have a really very good programme, but we are

 also now in a position to lower the fees. See Deadlines and how to book below

All three events are open to members and non-members:

1.         A one-day children’s book conference

Date:   1 November
Time:   09:00 to 17:30
Venue: SASNEV (Huis de Nederlande) 4 Central Square, Pinelands, Cape Town. (021 531 5831)
Cost:    SCBWI Members R400; non-members R650. (This includes tea/coffee, lunch and a reception at the end of the day)

Keynote Speaker: Niki Daly, Award-winning writer/illustrator
Presenters: Nellèke de Jager (NB Publishers) will talk about Digital publishing
Steve Cilliers (Managing Director, Oxford University Press) will talk about Educational Publishing.
Publishers: Simone Hough (Human & Rousseau), Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg) and Laurika de Jager (Pearson); 
Writers and illustrator: Paddy Bouma (Writer/Illustrator), Rob Foote (Writer/Illustrator), Samantha van Riet (Writer/Illustrator), Wendy Hartmann (Writer), Helen Brain (Writer) and Robin Malan (Writer),

(Provision will be made for those who are intolerant to gluten/seeds/nuts)

2.         SCBWI (SA)’s 10th Birthday Party

Date:   2 November
Time:   12:00 to 15:00
Event: Birthday High Tea with an amazing cup cake birthday cake
Venue: Hillcrest Berry Orchards Restaurant (R310, Banhoek Valley, Stellenbosch) 021 885 1629 -
Cost:    SCBWI Members: R130; Non-members: R160
(Provision will be made for those who are intolerant to gluten/seeds/nuts)
What better way to celebrate than having High Tea at the Hillcrest Berry Orchards Restaurant!

3.         Specialist Review Sessions By Appointment

Date:   4 November
Time:  09:00 to 16:00
Venue: Stellenbosch United Church hall, 8 Van Riebeek Street, Stellenbosch. (021 887 0495) next to the University of Stellenbosch Botanical Garden

Cost:   Review with a publisher or editor:
SCBWI Members: R100 per review
Non-members: R200 per review 
Nathalie Bell (Via Africa), Laetitia Botha (Freelancer), Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg), Miemie DuPlessis (LAPA), Simone Hough (Human&Rousseau), Kerri-Jane Mitchell and Cecile Steenkamp - two Book Designers from Oxford University Press ,

Cost:   Review with an established illustrator or writer:
SCBWI Members: R 50 per review;     
Non-members: R100 per review 
Paddy Bouma (Writer/illustrator), Elaine Ridge (Writer), Marjorie van Heerden (Writer/illustrator), Samantha van Riet (Writer/illustrator)

See below
Conference Programme
Registration form
Guidelines for reviews


We will be working on first-come-first-serve bases but SCBWI members will get preference. Space is limited so book ASAP.

To do a booking fill in the registration-form (PDF) supplied and e-mail it to Elaine Ridge at - Put Registration –SCBWI Turns 10 in the subject line. Within a day we will confirm your booking;
Deadline for bookings – Thursday, 10 October 2013.
Payment details on Registration form.

Deadline for payment – Thursday 17 October 2013 (all fees for conference, party, review-sessions must be paid electronically)

NB: Even if you have done a prelim booking you still have to confirm by filling in the registration-form and e-mailing it back to us – you are however assured of your place

How to submit a manuscript for review

If you want to submit a manuscript to be reviewed, carefully follow the Submission guidelines (supplied) and get your manuscript to us ASAP but no later than 14 October (We cannot accept any manuscripts after that date.)
The time of your review will be send to you the week of the 24 October
Illustrators to bring their portfolios with them on the day of their review appointment.


Marjorie van Heerden (writer/illustrator),
Welcome; moderator; and Summing up
She co-founded the Greek chapter of SCBWI, before returning to South Africa in 2003 where she started the South African chapterof the SCBWI
Marjorie has published 120 children’s books in Africa, England, Europe, Canada and the USA (in more than 30 languages). She has recently illustrating two picture books for a Chinese publisher and also a book for a Malaysian publishers. She has won a number of awards. The highpoint in her career was illustrating the new edition of André P. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. more about marjorie at 

Elaine Ridge, writer, editor, translator and academic
SCBWI SA Co-Regional Advisor
Welcome; moderator; and Summing up
Elaine Ridge has taught in England, Scotland and South Africa. She has also been involved in teaching Childen's literaturae to pre-service teachers at the University of Stellenbosch since 1983. In 1997 she presented lectures on SA children's literature in Sweden while she was a visiting professor at the University of Linkøping. She has also presented a course on English editing (and at times on translation) for the Art and Social Sciences Faculty at SU.
She has had three of her translations of children's books published and has edited a number of children's books for South African publishers. She was also part of  team that wrote a series of English text books.

Niki Daly, internationally acclaimed illustrator and writer.
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: A question of imagination – the process of writing from a visual perspective
Niki Daly has been writing and illustrating award-winning picture-books for the past 35 years, both in South Africa and abroad. His 1986 book, Not So fast Songololo, winner of The Katrine Harries Award and a U.S Parent's Choice Award, paved the way for post-apartheid South African children's books. Why the Sun and Moon Live in the Sky, winner of the Anne Izard Story Teller¹s Choice Award, was chosen by the New York Times Literary Supplement as One of the Year's Best Illustrated Books in 1996. Among his many books for Frances Lincoln, Once Upon a Time was an Honor Winner in the US Children's Africana Book Awards of 2004. Jamela's Dress, first in the Jamela series, was another milestone book, chosen by the ALA as a Notable Children's Book, by Booklist as one of the Top 10 African American Picture Books of 2000, and going on to win the Children's Literature Choice Award and the Parent's Choice Silver Award. In 2009 Niki received a Molteno Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Literature. He lives with his wife, the illustrator Jude Daly, in Kleinmond where they both continue to produce pictures books. Their first collaboration – Seb and Hamish will be published by Frances Lincoln in 2014.
Niki’s blog:

Nelleke De Jager, Digital Publisher, NB Publisher.
Digital Developments in Children’s Book Publishing
Nèlleke is a Digital Publisher at NB Publishers. She obtained post-graduate degrees in languages at Rhodes and in Computer Science at UNISA. She began her career as a romance publisher, launching 4 new imprints in Afrikaans, and also started the Nuwe Stemme poetry series that remains a successful avenue for discovering new poets. In 2005 she became head of Kwela Books and published a variety of award-winning and best-selling new voices in Afrikaans and English, many of whom have been translated and published abroad. Nèlleke moved to the digital sphere in 2012.
Steve Cilliers, Managing Director, Oxford University Press.
Current developments in educational publishing in South Africa

 I taught for 11 ½ years at Pretoria Boys High School where I was HOD English and Director of Communications on the School Exec. 
I joined Macmillan as an ELT Publisher in 2001. Also published Mathematics and was Publishing Manager for Maths, Science and Technology. 
I was appointed as MD: Clever Books in 2004 (Macmillan had acquired Clever Books in 2001). 
In 2008 I was appointed MD of Macmillan. 
Appointed as MD: Maskew Miller Longman in Jan 2010 
Appointed as MD: Oxford University Press South Africa in April 2013
Simone Hough (Editor, Human & Rousseau publishers: Children’s and Youth Literature – co-editions and mass market)
Panel member for Panel Discussion with publishers
Simone completed her BA in Afrikaans and MA in Creative Writing at Stellenbosch University. She has worked with Human & Rousseau since 2008. She is responsible for the co-edition and mass-market children’s book list, mainly working with international publishers. 
 She is also responsible for local publications such as Storieman.

Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg Publishers)
Panel member for Panel Discussion with publishers 
Michelle is Editor of Children’s and YA titles at Tafelberg, NB Publishers. After taking a degree in Librarianship and Information Science at Stellenbosch University, she worked in Cape Town City Libraries. In 2001 she joined NB Publishers as publicist for Children’s and YA titles. In 2006 she realised her dream of becoming a publisher when appointed Editor of Children’s and YA books at Tafelberg. 
She has two young sons.
Laurika de Jager (Publisher at Pearson Education South Africa)
Panel member for Panel Discussion with publishers 
Since Laurika completed her Masters degree in Linguistics, she has been working both freelance and permanently for various publishing companies. Her past accomplishments include being a writer, editor, proofreader, project manager, managing editor and publisher. She is now a content specialist (publisher) at Pearson Education South Africa, where she has the pleasant and rewarding task of publishing trade and educational books for children up to fourteen years old.
Jenny Hatton (Writer, editor and Assistant Regional Adviser SCBWI SA) 
Moderator for: Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets -  youth / young adult books
Since leaving the Gauteng Dept of Education, Jenny has written and edited numerous English and Life Orientation textbooks and published 3 picture books illustrated by Joan Rankin. Finding Aunt Joan and Moving House were Bookchat’s Books of the Year, 2011; Finding Aunt Joan won the Crystal Kite award in 2012. Jenny is now writing a story to be illustrated by Marleen Visser and a novel for young adults.
(Jenny organises events in Gauteng for SCBWI SA since 

Helen Brain (writer)
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets -  youth / young adult books

Helen Brain has published over 50 books for children and young adults, as well as a Memoir for adults. She lives in Mowbray, Cape Town, and teaches creative writing to students all over the world through SA Writer’s College. She is married with three children and likes making ragrugs and trawling charity shops.

Robin Malan (writer)
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - youth / young adult books
Robin Malan has spent his working life in education and theatre. He is known for his anthologies for schools. He was the artistic director of two theatre-in-education companies. He taught in Swaziland for 15 years, and ran a specialist bookshop in Mbabane. His novels include Rebel Angel, The Sound of New Wings, and My ‘Funny’ Brother. He was series editor of the Siyagruva Series of teen novels; and was the editor of English Alive. He owns the independent Junkets Publisher.   

Alex Smith (writer)
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - youth / young adult books
Alex was a prizewinner in the Tafelberg-Sanlam Youth Literature competition 2010 for her youth novel Agency Blue.
Born in Cape Town, Alex Smith has lived in China, Taiwan and the UK, and when still working as a designer and textile merchant travelled extensively to other parts of the world. Alex has an MA from UCT and is the author of three works for adults.
She was shortlisted for the 2009 PEN/Studinsky Awards judged by JM Coetzee for “Soulmates”, which is part of the New Writing from Africa anthology.She was a finalist in the 2009 SA Blog Awards in the category Best Post on a South African Blog.
Alex is passionate about the accessibility of books in mother languages and in 2008/2009 she volunteered to promote the Little hands Trust’s blog at Book SA.

Samantha van Riet (Illustrator Co-ordinator SCBWI SA, writer/illustrator) Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - Picture books and books for young readers
Samantha van Riet has been involved in the South African publishing industry for nearly twenty years.
Her projects are children’s books and educational books, published in South-Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
She works in watercolour, ink and pastels and her style ranges from realistic to animated, and particularly enjoys illustrating fantasy and animal stories. She is hoping to publish her own stories in the near future.
She is the Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI SA.

Wendy Hartmann (writer) 
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - Picture books and books for young readers
Wendy Hartmann has been writing since 1986. She has had more than 40 children’s books published. Many of these have been published in America, Britain and Japan and have been translated into other languages. Her books have been selected for Honours Lists. She has twice won the MER award for the best illustrated children’s book: in 2008 with Marjorie van Heerden, for Nina and Little Duck (Human & Rousseau) and in 2011 with Joan Rankin for Just Sisi (Human & Rousseau).
She has written television scripts for Children’s Programmes and books ranging from concept and counting, educational and beginner readers to picture books. 

Rob Foote (writer/illustrator) 
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - Picture books and books for young readers

Rob is an award winning illustrator whose work has been published around the world. 

He has most recently co-founded a startup digital publishing company, building interactive books for children. 

He lives near the beach in the Eastern cape with his wife and son and a delusional basset hound. Despite the peculiar surname, Rob is always at hand so please do get in touch.

Paddy Bouma (writer/illustrator) 
Frequently Published writers and illustrators share their secrets - picture books and books for young readers 
With Marjorie, Paddy was Co-Regional-Adviser to SCBWI SA from 2003 – 2007. Paddy taught Illustration in the Dept. of Visual Arts, Stellenbosch University. Her picture books have been published in SA, the UK and USA. They include illustrations for the picture-book version of Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom. Paddy has been shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal and the MER Prize. She lives and works on a small farm in Jonkershoek Valley, Stellenbosch.;

The following professionals are available to do reviews:

Laetitia Botha (Freelance Editor working with a number of SA publishers)
CV still to come 

Laurike de Jager (Publisher at Pearson Education South Africa - Pearson has incorporated MML and Heinemann)
Since Laurika completed her Masters degree in Linguistics, she has been working both freelance and permanently for various publishing companies. Her past accomplishments include being a writer, editor, proofreader, project manager, managing editor and publisher. She is now a content specialist (publisher) at Pearson Education South Africa, where she has the pleasant and rewarding task of publishing trade and educational books for children up to fourteen years old.

Michelle Cooper (Tafelberg)

Michelle is Editor of Children’s and YA titles at Tafelberg, NB Publishers. After taking a degree in Librarianship and Information Science at Stellenbosch University, she worked in Cape Town City Libraries. In 2001 she joined NB Publishers as publicist for Children’s and YA titles. In 2006 she realised her dream of becoming a publisher when appointed Editor of Children’s and YA books at Tafelberg. 
She has two young sons.

Simone Hough (Editor, Human & Rousseau publishers: Children’s and Youth Literature – co-editions and mass market)
Simone completed her BA in Afrikaans and MA in Creative Writing at Stellenbosch University. She has worked with Human & Rousseau since 2008. She is responsible for the co-edition and mass-market children’s book list, mainly working with international publishers. She is also responsible for local publications such as Storieman.

Miemie du Plessis (Lapa publishers) 

Miemie has 21 years of experience in books for South African children. She has a degree in Library and Information Science and an MA in children’s literature. From 1993 – 1999 she evaluated and acquired children’s and youth books for Gauteng Provincial Library Services. Since 2000 she has managed LAPA’s children’s-book department where she publishes and markets over 70 books for children and teenagers every year.
Natalie Bell (Publisher at Via Afrika Publishers) 
Obtained Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in English Language and Literature at University of Cape Town -  – 1993

Kerri-Jane Mitchell, Graphic Designer at Oxford University Press
Has been working at Oxford University Press from 
at Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Cecile SteenkampSenior Graphic Designer at Oxford University Press 
Worked at Cheymaxim as Senior Grafic Designers

I work on various types of projects from print, layout, HTML to corporate identity and branding. I would take on projects from the brief to the final stage, seeing that the client's needs and standards are met. I am currenlty working in Adobe CS6 - InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Dreamweaver - and also have some experience in CMS web design.

The following published writers and illustrators are available to do reviews:

Paddy Bouma (writer/illustrator) 
With Marjorie, Paddy was Co-Regional-Adviser to SCBWI SA from 2003 – 2007. Paddy taught Illustration in the Dept. of Visual Arts, Stellenbosch University. Her picture books have been published in SA, the UK and USA. They include illustrations for the picture-book version of Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom. Paddy has been shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal and the MER Prize. She lives and works on a small farm in Jonkershoek Valley, Stellenbosch.; 

Elaine Ridge, writer, editor, translator and academic
SCBWI SA Co-Regional Advisor
Elaine Ridge has taught in England, Scotland and South Africa. She has also been involved in teaching Childen's literaturae to pre-service teachers at the University of Stellenbosch since 1983. In 1997 she presented lectures on SA children's literature in Sweden while she was a visiting professor at the University of Linkøping. She has also presented a course on English editing (and at times on translation) for the Art and Social Sciences Faculty at SU.
She has had three of her translations of children's books published and has edited a number of children's books for South African publishers. She was also part of  team that wrote a series of English text books.

Marjorie van Heerden (writer/illustrator), 
Marjorie has published 120 children’s books in Africa, England, Europe, Canada and the USA (in more than 30 languages). She has recently illustrating two picture books for a Chinese publisher and also a book for a Malaysian publishers. She co-founded the Greek chapter before returning to South Africa in 2003 where she started the South African chapter She has won a number of awards. The highpoint in her career was illustrating the new edition of André P. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.; 

Samantha van Riet (Illustrator Co-ordinator SCBWI SA, writer/illustrator) Samantha van Riet has been involved in the South African publishing industry for nearly twenty years.
Her projects are children’s books and educational books, published in South-Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
She works in watercolour, ink and pastels and her style ranges from realistic to animated, and particularly enjoys illustrating fantasy and animal stories. She is hoping to publish her own stories in the near future.
She is the Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI SA.